old savage 22

old savage 22
Request for Info: Old Savage .22 Pump. How old is your Savage Sporter 22 LR with.

Old .22lr: Model 72 Savage arms falling.
How old is your Savage Sporter 22 LR with serial number 118024? You may contact Savage Customer Service by phone or US Mail (no email, sorry) The link below
New Savage Scout vs Old Savage Scout Author Topic: New Savage Scout vs Old Savage Scout (Read 1928 times)
Savage 22 Hornet Rifle
old savage 22
Request for Info: Old Savage .22 Pump.
I would appreciate your experiences with this single shot 22 Hornet rifle, ie I have had 2 of them. The first one had the extraction problem which Savage fixed at
The Coates family gets Old Yeller in exchange for a horny toad and one good cooked family meal. Customer Reviews 4.8 out of 5 stars ( 83 ) 4.8 out of 5 stars 5 star
Savage Arms 22 rifle pump model 29-A,.
11.01.2009 · Best Answer: MODEL 29 SLIDE ACTION - .22 S, L, or LR cal., 22 in. barrel, octagon until 1940, round on post-WWII, open sights, checkered pistol grip stock
Hi All - Since Savage Arms can no longer support there older products I am looking for information on an .22 caliber savage sporter! Now here is the problem this is
ScoutRifle.org - New Savage Scout vs Old.
I recently discovered an old pump .22 that belonged to my father when he was a boy (I'm 62, so it's old). It is NOT
One of my favorite guns in my collection. https://www.facebook.com/Sharpie443
Old savage sporter - TheFirearmsForum.Com
Savage 22 Magnum Rifle .