Do you clean frozen mussels

How do you cook frozen mussels? - Yahoo!.
12.07.2009 · Best Answer: NEVER freeze fresh shellfish ! you just killed them in the freezer (cooking frozen, thaw'd shellfish is a "culinary" toss-up at this
I bought 1/2 pound of mussels and cooked them in a cast iron skillet with a little white wine and some shrimp stock on boiling heat. Almost all of them opened after
Mussels (sea food) are THey good for you?.
11.11.2006 · Best Answer: Mussels are very high in iron and vitamin C, as much or more than red meat. They are filter feeders and also accumulate toxins and heavy
Is it oki to cook frozen mussels? Do you.

A. Yes, you can freeze live mussels for up to three months (although they won’t be alive after freezing). Frozen mussels should be used within 2 days of thawing.
How to cook mussels. Details on how to prepare mussels before cooking plus various cooking methods such as steaming, grilling and baking and how to store cooked mussels.
Do you clean frozen mussels
Mussels (sea food) are THey good for you?.Do you clean frozen mussels
What Muscles Do Cleans Workfood safety - How do you know when.
05.09.2009 · Best Answer: You should have put them in the fridge. I hope you shelled them first, as you will not see which ones would have opened as they cooked. I
03.03.2010 · Best Answer: get a pan hot and add the mussels, give it a quick stir and pour in a little wine or fish stock, some chopped onion and a sprig of parsley
Pacific Blue Mussels How to Clean Granite Countertops food safety - How do you know when.
How do I know which mussels are good to.