anti drinking skits for kids

Bob Marley 'anti-energy drink' makes kids.
This is a video parody created by our Safe Streets interns, Hannah Helmke and Elijah Kampsen, and a few of their friends: Ryan and Regan Aeschilman, Hannah
We are sorry, Parents. The Anti-Drug. website is no longer available. Drug and alcohol prevention, intervention and treatment resources for parents can now be found
Anything that makes you less than you is not for you, especially drugs and alcohol.
The young teen's place for information on alcohol and resisting peer pressure. Resources, information, and support on alcohol use and abuse among teenagers.

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anti drinking skits for kids
anti drinking skits for kids
Alcohol, Peer Pressure, Teenage Underage.
"Threw it on the Ground" Anti-Underage.
04.12.2012 · Students got sick after drinking anti-energy drink named after Bob Marley.
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