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2009 Military Pay Chart |
26.02.2007 · Best Answer: Well, first you have the Enlisted Ranks (the ones who actually work

UPDATE 2: There have been several new posts since this went up 15th May, click the Category link to “Rangers and Rangerettes” to see them all.
LLAD: Ranger School welcomes women, drops.
Sergeant - Wikipedia, the free. Guest Book
Our unique dual mission has Guard Soldiers helping both in local communities and around the world. Find out more 1
2009 Military Pay Chart 2009 Basic Enlisted Military Pay Chart The Department of Defense funding bill increases military service personnel 3.9% for the fiscal year 2009.
Sergeant - Wikipedia, the free.
United States Army - Wikipedia, the free.
corporal art d trevino, USMC great thing to have- hope it will help me find other marines that served in my area-vietnam : SP4 Dennis Haines Main Page
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Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Act of 780000 Subcommittee on Health and Slientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources United States Senate S. 3115NATIONAL GUARD
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Sergeant - Wikipedia, the free.Sergeant (normally abbreviated to Sgt) is a rank used in some form by most militaries, police forces, and other uniformed organizations around the world. Its origins
The United States Army (USA) is the main branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for land-based military operations. It is the largest and oldest Main Page
The Army community website for sharing Army counseling, NCOER, award, and other writing examples
2009 Military Pay Chart | .